smokers three times more than 20 years ago
Tell me, why is smoking woman? Question neprazdny: at least every third Belarusian over 18 years of daily bends over flame lighters. Question neritorichesky: not so easy to understand why the background of an unprecedented anti-smoking campaign that goes around the world, ladies so tenaciously - sometimes even tsepche men! - Hold on a cigarette. Why the epidemic of smoking "and consistently struck by the strong half in countries with high, medium and low income, with the end of the 90 plagues are already among the poor?
Why are you, girl?
Motives of smokers too well known. According to British researchers, for a cigarette, a man is taken either to "disperse" unpleasant emotions, either for pleasure or to enhance their own self-esteem, or a purely automatic. Women came up with a two additional reasons: they believe that smoking helps to lose weight and creates a romantic flair. Like, a cigarette burns 10 calories. Like, talked about this yet Dr. Freud: smoking among women is more tempting. Some sort vamp, emansipe, which with the help of his "magic bullet" once again demonstrates the surrounding graceful hands, the perfect manicure and a beautiful mouth. "The smoke, smoldering cigarette, clicking lighters - Is not this the beginning of a presentation?" - Sentimental men's magazines. Submissions may be - and the beginning and illusions must stop. In fact, none of the "female" argument does not withstand any criticism, convinced the chief narcologist Ministry of Health Alexei Alexandrov: "First, smoking does not burn! But the cigarette, like many stimulants such as coffee, reduces appetite by expressed by the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. That, apparently, the nature of modern man: it is easier to give up something than to do something. Therefore, weight loss through diet is now more popular than using physical exercises ... And secondly, what kind of aesthetics "long cigarette in his fingers, you can say, if it ultimately is clearly contrary to the external aesthetics in general? Inevitable problems affecting the skin, teeth, hair - just the tip of the iceberg ... "
The most paradoxical that the majority of smokers that did not stop. As much more unfortunate fact: the cigarette shortens the representative of a strong half life of 5 years, and the weak - at 11! Year from the effects of smoking in developed countries die more than 500 thousand women. "If among the effects of smoking in men dominated lung cancer and upper respiratory tract, - said Alexei Alexandrov - then the women - breast cancer. More miscarriages, premature births and in general problems with pregnancy occur in smokers are several times more likely than non-smokers. And the children have mothers, indulge a cigarette before and during pregnancy are more prone to allergies, have a much higher risk in the future become addicted to alcohol, drugs or the same tobacco. Nicotine readily crosses the placental barrier and affects the child's brain still in the womb! And then my parents still wonder: why it grew so? "
Well-informed, but stubborn
Thus sociologists describe inveterate smokers. Everyone knows, but can do nothing about. From a medical point of view, says chief narcologist Belarus, there is no surprise: "It is one of the criteria for dependence - the inability to quit, despite the obvious harm to their health. And 90 percent of smokers, it goes to the present dependence on nicotine. Whatever may be explained to the woman his passion, at its core - a painful condition in which the majority can not cope without outside help. And in this smoker is no different from the smoker. Just as a man, a woman trying to deceive myself - that reducing the number of cigarettes, then moving to a more "light" (which usually causes only an increase in the depth of puffs). Also suffering from withdrawal syndrome. Also said to himself: "All right, throw!" - And during the first year in 50 cases out of 100 once again broke. The same indifference runs through the eyes of warning labels on packages (which, of course, are good, but rather as a measure of prevention - for those who did not smoke or have not yet addicted) ...
Narcologists generally considered: quit harder than to stop abusing alcohol. For women - even more so. But because tobacco smoke is a "gender priorities"! "The thing is the social side of the question, - says Alexei Alexandrov. - Women are more sociable men, for them, this aspect of life is more important. A nicotine acts as a kind of communicative doping, facilitating the transfer of information - in the smoking room at lunch break, in friendly company. And if a woman is easier to overcome cravings, withdrawal symptoms, then deprive yourself of "doping" is much more difficult. For each cigarette, she spends an average of 3 minutes. And if it is a pack a day? If this continues for many years? So, quit smoking, she receives a huge amount of time that does not know what to do, and the feeling of separateness from the company, which is hard going through. Meanwhile, around - some temptations. After all, society smoking lady almost did not condemn (grumble older generation, and cautions physicians - seem to be and do not count). Movies - promotes. Tobacco companies - lured, including a variety of flavors, deceiving your sense of smell and taste. As a result, a woman, alas, being deceived on a grand scale. Most often - once and for all. According to statistics, only 35 percent of smokers manage a break. All the rest and remain perpetual captivity smoke ...
Advises Dr. Alexander
You are more vulnerable than men, so the best - not to start smoking at all. Remember: this is not "little bad habit" like manners biting his nails, and dependence, which is just as impossible to stop an effort of will, it is impossible to stop the willful decision chronic bronchitis.
Nicotine dependence can not be cured snap of his fingers - for an hour, per session. Work on yourself can take a long time - weeks, months, even years. Critical - the first year. We'll have a very hard - both physically and psychologically, and socially. After all, you have to seriously restructure life - think of where to spend an hour became space-time, learn to overpower yourself when others leave Lift the smoking room or on the balcony.
Several ways to help quit smoking:
- Nikotinsoderzhaschie means (gum, patches). They reduce the desire to be delayed and the degree of pleasure, that is easier Unlearning control;
- Special medications. They help to survive the withdrawal syndrome. Recently, there have drugs that do not contain nicotine, are not psychoactive, are not addictive, but in some way affect the receptors in the brain. They are sold only by prescription;
- Reflexology. Removes "reflex smoker";
- Classes with the therapist or narcologist.
And yet - sports. It is scientifically proven way to reduce the propensity to smoke, especially in the beginning, when up depending far. In addition, physical activity is much better to solve all those problems that "fought" cigarette - and will remove the stress and reduce weight and increase self-esteem, and give pleasure ...
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